Zinc saver

Mit dem Einbau dieses galvanischen Isolators können Sie Ihren Zinkverbrauch reduzieren. Es ist nämlich nicht auszuschließen, dass der. THE PROBLEM:Recent interest in damage done to boats due to the 230V shore mains has highlighted the need to fit a galvanic isolator to your boat.

Schutzleiter des Landstromes . Prevent electrical damage to your boat and the fast wear of anodes! The installation of this galvanic isolator protects against zinc loss.

NewMar Amp Galvanischer Isolator ZINC SAVER. This ensures the 230V mains fault will operate the. Yacht verbunden werden muss. RCB on the boat in order to save . ProSave Galvanischer Isolator (zincsaver) STERLING. Das Gerät ist leicht, klein, kostengünstig und einfach zu installieren: Funktion: Der ZINCSAVER wird zwischen der bordseitigen Erdung . ProSafe Galvanischer Isolator Wasserdicht, CE.

Für Landanschlüsse bis zu 32A, 64A oder 110A je nach Modell. Nicht das Richtige für Sie ?

Fordern Sie uns – wir beraten Sie gern! Pro Save checks the zinc saver and shore earthing system. Remote panel reports any faults with the system. A,B,Y,C, requirement if zinc saver used.

Why should I worry about the ABYC regulations or the European Standards for that matter? Great prices on your favourite Home brands, and free delivery on eligible orders. Sterling Galvanic Isolator Zinc Saver 30A. Size: 30A Colour: ZS30A. FREE DELIVERY AVAILABLE.

Protects your boat against galvanic corrosion by the shore power cable Saves your zinc Rated . What is a Galvanic Isolator? The corrosion will quickly dissolve your zinc anodes and attack the shaft, propeller and other metal parts in contact with the water as soon as the boat is connected to the AC shore. READ TEST ZINC BESIDE BOAT -VOLTAGE IS: ALL IMMERSED METAL IS ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED (BONDED) AND THE VOLTAGE IS:- DISCONNECT BATTERIES -BONDING SYSTEM VOLTAGE IS: PULL SHORE CORD-BONDING SYSTEM VOLTAGE IS: DOCK A. A Galvanic isolator to protect your boat and anodes when connected to 240v shore power. Total Protection: Recent upgrades in the new A. The new Pro Safe FS s now fully certified as a fail safe device .