Das erfrischende Gel beugt eingewachsenen Härchen, Rasierpickel, Rasurbrand und Rötungen vor. It helps reduce ingrown hairs, razor bumps, razor burn, and redness. The Cool Fix also helps release trapped hairs from underneath the skin, kill bacteria, and . What it is:A soothing blue gel that alleviates shaving and waxing woes.
Let your skin chill out with this essential solution that de.
Buy ShaveWorks The Cool Fix (Ingrown Hair Treatment) 156ml , luxury skincare, hair care, makeup and beauty products at Lookfantastic. A soothing, cooling blue gel designed to alleviate problems which may result from waxing and or shaving. This blue gel will reduce ingrown hairs, razor bumps , razor burn, and redness. An effective combination exfoliating agents help release trapped hairs from underneath the skin, kill bacteria, and prevent ingrown hairs . Купить сейчас ShaveWorks The Cool Fix (Ingrown Hair Treatment) 156ml люксовый уход за кожей, волосами, косметика и товары для красоты на Lookfantastic.
The Cool Fix Rollerball is a portable soothing, cooling, targeted gel combats redness, irritation, and ingrown hairs associated with hair removal. Das kühlende und beruhigende Gel, das sowohl von Frauen als auch von Männern eingesetzt werden kann, hilft dank effektiver Kombination hauterneuernder Komponenten .
Eine effektive Kombination hauterneuernder Komponenten hilft dabei Haare zu befreien, die unter der Haut festsitzen, Bakterien abzutöten und verhindert das wiederholte Einwachsen. Hilft gegen eingewachsene Haare, Pickelchen, Rasurbran Hautrötungen. The Cool Fix combines powerful exfoliators to help prevent ingrown hairs and minimize razor bumps while botanical extracts help relieve razor burn. Shaveworks The Cool Fix Hautpflege bei HAGEL günstig online kaufen.
Shop with confidence on eBay! See member reviews and photo. This targeted gel lotion formulated for women is safe to use on even the most. The targeted gel lotion is safe to use on even the most sensitive of areas such as the bikini zone and underarms post-shave or post-wax.
It even works to prevent unwarranted razor bumps and future . It reduces the numbers and treats the ones that do emerge. I was recommended this and now my. But can an aftershave product treat both razor . Also works to prevent unwarranted razor bumps and future ingrown . The Cool Fix immediately calms skin and cools razor burn associated with waxing and shaving.
Einen Bikini, einen Nassrasierer und „ The Cool Fix “! So einfach ist das natürlich nicht, aber ohne das schicke Aftershave-Gel kann ich tatsächlich nicht mehr sein … Wer wie ich viel zu empfindlich für waxen oder epilieren ist, greift noch immer zum Rasierer.
Das ist nicht schmerzhaft, höchstens manchmal . Je schneller sie es auftragen, umso effektiver wirkt es. Um dauerhafte Hautirritationen zu lindern, können Sie das Produkt zum Beispiel täglich vor dem schlafen gehen auftragen. Tragen Sie es nur auf trockener, gereinigter Haut auf.
I usually get the worst bumps after shaving and are irritated. I put this product on as soon as I get out of the shower and it calms my skin and makes my skin smooth. I highly recommend this product. I bought the full size because I loved it so much.
Battle Ingrown Hairs with The Cool Fix from Anthony Logistics For Men. Just hearing (or even thinking) the words ingrown hair is enough to make me cringe, shudder, and want to die. Gel, kühlen Miniatur Set, schützend.