Farbzuordnungstabellen (Colour Charts) zu den einzelnen Kompositsteinen aller namhaften . Invisible Joints for Engineered and Natural Stone. Komponentenkleber auf Polyesterbasis in Farben in Kartuschen 10:inkl. Готовые к применению цветные 2-компонентные эпоксиакрилатные клеи в картриджах. Colour Bond is available im more than Colours, inclusive.
Цвета уточняйте у менеджеров.
The adhesives are also excellently suited for use in v-groove technology. Dieser Premium Akemi Kleber eignet sich ideal für die Anwendung, wo perfekte Endergebnisse wichtig sind. Pre-colored two-component adhesive in cartridges for the fast, simple and reliable attainment of invisible joints. Pre-coloure gel-like 2-component epoxyacrylate-based adhesive in different colours, high bonding power, very fast surface drying and processability.
For the fast, simple and reliable attainment of invisible joints for Engineered Stone and natural stone. Styrol gelöster Epoxyacrylatharze. Das Produkt zeichnet sich durch folgende.
Here you will find a selection of current application- and product videos.